
为什么要学习宗教 & 云顶集团审判案?

The religion 和正义 minor examines religion as a human category that cuts across 全球空间和历史时间. 无论是检查,例如,激进的呼吁 for justice in the Jewish prophetic tradition, the spiritual quietism of the Sufi mystical tradition, the call for holy war in later Christianity, the traditions of non-violence in Buddhism, or even American secular religion, this minor allows students to explore how religion continues to influence and be influenced by political, social, economic, legal, artistic, and cultural frameworks. 特别专注于方法的 in which religion can support as well as stand in tension with the aims of social justice, especially in a global context, the minor allows students to add an additional 任何专业的镜头.



The aim of the religion 和正义 minor is to give students expertise in understanding religion as a global human phenomenon, one that is intimately bound up with structures 的权力. 学生 will examine the role that religion has played, for example, in war, genocide, and social movements, and also in drives for liberation, social change, 和正义. 学生 will thereby reflect, both locally and globally, on community, ethnicity, personal identity, and many other aspects of history and daily life. 与 this broad lens, students can connect religion to other disciplines such as peace studies, Africana studies, literary studies, history, philosophy, sociology/anthropology, 以及许多云顶集团的其他项目.



The religion 和正义 minor provides another dimension to the perspectives on and practices of justice that the Center for Geographies of 正义 and 云顶集团 College 提供. Incorporating into its options for curriculum community-based learning programs and study abroad 经验s, students in the minor can apply what they learn towards solving problems, working with people unlike themselves, and towards discovering who 他们是全球化世界中的个体.



麦克斯韦格林伯格, Judaic Studies, 宗教 and 正义, American Studies


Seble Dawit,和平研究



Nyasha Grayman-Simpson、心理学









云顶集团 College religion 和正义 minors use study abroad as an integral component 他们的研究. Some choose to pursue semester long programs that afford them the opportunity for fieldwork and research on topics of their interest. 其他的选择 to participate in 云顶集团 College Intensive Course Abroad (ICA) courses, sometimes 除了一学期的学习. Many students work with research and ideas generated by their study abroad in subsequent study in Baltimore, in internships, and in their Capstone项目. Regardless of the type of program, students gain a global perspective 这提高了他们的学习水平.


机会 & 实习


实习 help students explore possibilities, apply classroom learning, and gain 经验. 探索 实习和学分选择.


学生就业 connects students to both on and off-campus opportunities. 职业教育办事处 provides resources and support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find jobs, submit applications, and learn more about the job search process. 学生们 云顶集团 握手 — a website for job postings, events, resumes/cover letters, and career management.

主要 & 生涯探索

Exploring career options, choosing a major, and making career decisions is a multi-step process in which all students are encouraged to engage early and often. 云顶集团学生 有各种各样的资源可以通过 专业和职业页面 在这个过程中帮助他们.


A 云顶集团 education prepares students for today’s job market and beyond. 学生 can explore job opportunities and access job search resources through the CEO职位搜索页面.

研究生 & 专业学校

学生 access resources for searching and applying to graduate and professional 学校通过 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面, through faculty and staff members, or utilizing their own resources, network and 工具.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School 4+1 BA/MS Program

云顶集团 College and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are 提供ing 云顶集团学生 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. 这 4 + 1项目 combines a bachelor’s degree from 云顶集团 with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics and risk management, information systems, health care 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE考试 or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better and have passed some quantitative reasoning courses with a grade of B或更好.